
As evidence of our ongoing commitment to government requirements and other industry standards, our customer agreement includes a guarantee we will meet any future government/industry standard certifications and requirements.

Information on our certification

If you have any questions regarding these certifications, please feel free to email Chandler Price at cprice@sevocity.com.

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ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT

This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Product Information

Developer Organization Name: Sevocity®, a Division of Conceptual MindWorks, Inc
Date Certified: 12/30/2022
Product Name and Version: Sevocity® v.13.0
ONC-ACB Certification ID:

Modules Tested:

170.315(a)(1) CPOE – Medications
170.315(a)(2) CPOE – Laboratory
170.315(a)(3) CPOE – Diagnostic Imaging
170.315(a)(4) Drug-Drug, Drug-Allergy Interaction Checks
170.315(a)(5) Demographics
170.315(a)(12) Family Health History
170.315(a)(14) Implantable Device List
170.315(a)(15) Social, Psychological, Behavioral Data
170.315(b)(1) Transition of Care
170.315(b)(2) Clinical Reconciliation
170.315(b)(10) Electronic Health Information Export
170.315(b)(11) Decision Support Interventions
170.315(c)(1) Clinical Quality Measures – Record and Export
170.315(c)(2) Clinical Quality Measures – Import and Calculate
170.315(c)(3) Clinical Quality Measures – Report
170.315(d)(1) Authentication, Access Control, Authorization
170.315(d)(2) Auditable Events
170.315(d)(3) Audit Reports
170.315(d)(4) Amendments
170.315(d)(5) Automatic Access Time-out
170.315(d)(6) Emergency Access
170.315(d)(7) End-User Device Encryption
170.315(d)(8) Integrity
170.315(d)(9) Trusted Connection
170.315(d)(12) Encrypt Authentication Credentials
170.315(d)(13) Multi-Factor Authentication
170.315(e)(1) View, Download, and Transmit to 3rd Party
170.315(f)(1) Transmission to Immunization Registries
170.315(f)(2) Transmission to Public Health Agencies – Syndromic Surveillance
170.315(g)(2) Automated Measure Calculation
170.315(g)(3) Safety-Enhanced Design
170.315(g)(4) Quality Management System
170.315(g)(5) Accessibility-Centered Design
170.315(g)(6) Consolidated CDA Creation Performance
170.315(g)(7) Application Access – Patient Selection
170.315(g)(9) Application Access – All Data Request
170.315(g)(10) Standardized API for Patient and Population Services

Certified Clinical Quality Measures: CMS 2, CMS 50, CMS 68, CMS 69, CMS 75, CMS117, CMS 122, CMS 124, CMS 125, CMS 130, CMS 131, CMS 138, CMS 139, CMS 146, CMS 147, CMS 149, CMS 153, CMS 154, CMS 155, CMS 156, CMS 159, CMS 165, CMS 347, CMS 349, CMS 951

Additional Software Used in Testing: AccessGUDID, Dr. First: Rcopia 4; Google Authenticator, Microsoft Excel, Secure Exchange Solutions: SES Direct and Edge Interoperability Service, SMTP2GO


A one-time set-up fee and monthly maintenance fee will apply for each interface requested by the customer.

A one-time fee will apply per provider for electronic prescription of controlled substances (EPCS) capability.

A one-time set-up fee and monthly maintenance fee per provider will apply for prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) capability.

Sevocity® v.13.0 is certified to 170.315(g)(10) Standardized API for Patient and Population Services (Cures Update). Use of Sevocity®’s FHIR R4 APIs to access electronic health information in the U.S. Core Data for Interoperability Version 1 (USCDI v1) data set requires a one-time developer set-up fee, and a set-up fee and a monthly maintenance fee for each organization (customer). Additional information regarding Sevocity®’s certified APIs can be found here: Sevocity's FHIR API Cures Technical Documentation

Sevocity® v.13.0 is certified to 170.315(b)(11) Decision Support Interventions. Predictive Decision Support Interventions (PDSI) support utilizes the FHIR R4 APIs for EHR Launch. User-Supplied PDSI require a one-time set-up fee and a monthly maintenance fee for each organization (customer) for each PDSI.

Sevocity® v.13.0 is certified to 170.315(b)(10) Electronic Health Information Export (Cures Update). There is no additional fee for the certified functionality of (b)(10) to a customer. Information regarding the EHI Export can be found here: https://www.sevocity.com/ehi-export-technical-documentation/

Complete details of Sevocity®’s 2015 Edition Cures Certification can be viewed on the ONC Certified Health IT Product List website. ONC Certified Health IT Product List website.